Teacher Goes Above and Beyond with Full-Body Anatomy Suit to Engage Students in Learning


Verónica Duque is not your average teacher. She is a woman who goes above and beyond to make sure her students are engaged and excited about learning. Recently, the 43-year-old decided to give a class on anatomy in a full-body suit that mapped out the human body in sharp detail.

Verónica has been teaching for 15 years, and currently teaches the third grade. She is always looking for ways to make her lessons more interesting and engaging for her students. When she saw an ad for an AliExpress swimsuit that mapped out the internal organs of the human body, she knew it was worth a try.

Her husband Michael tweeted some pictures of the lesson, and Verónica instantly went viral. The tweet generated over 65K likes and 14k comments, making her a symbol of creativity and dedication in the education community.

But Verónica isn’t done yet. She has plenty of other surprises up her sleeve for her students. She likes to use disguises for history lessons and cardboard crowns to help her students learn grammar. She believes that teachers are often unfairly stereotyped as lazy bureaucrats, and she is determined to change that perception.

When people saw Verónica in her full-body suit, some compared her to Slim Goodbody. For those who may not be familiar, Slim Goodbody is a costumed character created by John Burstein who has been championing children’s health for over forty years. His productions are watched by millions of children on Discovery Education, and his live shows tour theaters around the US, reaching thousands of children every year.

Verónica Duque and Slim Goodbody may come from different worlds, but they both share a passion for education and a commitment to helping children learn in exciting and engaging ways. We need more teachers like Verónica and more advocates for education like Slim. Together, they can help make a positive impact on the lives of countless children around the world.


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