24-year-old Bulgarian woman wants to have the biggest lips in the world


Everyone is lovely in their own way, and it is because of everyone’s individuality that the world is so vibrant and wonderful.

However, a significant portion of the population is unhappy with their appearance. The media and fashion industry present us with a false ideal of perfection, which devalues our “imperfections” and pushes those who don’t feel “pretty” to use cosmetic surgery, injections, and heavy makeup.

Some people go completely crazy with surgery, while the majority are content with a few little, accurate touch-ups here and there.

Andrea Ivanova, 24, is one of these individuals; she is obsessed with the size of her lips.

She has a massive set of lips because to hyaluronic acid lip injections. Reaching the world’s largest lips is her life’s ambition.

She now claims that she will arrive there shortly.

Andrea, a native of Sofia, Bulgaria’s capital and largest city, has persisted in her costly, dangerous, and divisive initiatives.

According to Unilad, the Bulgarian has doubled the size of her lips and is currently up to 27 interventions.

Andrea told Jam Press, “I feel much better and I really like them.”

spent roughly $5,000.

Her peculiar way of living isn’t free.

According to Malay Mail, she has spent over $5,000 on lip enlargement, since each injection costs roughly $150 in Bulgaria.

However, the young woman has had enough. She says she studied German philology at the university in Sofia, Bulgaria’s capital.

Despite the fact that doctors warn against more injections, she desires fuller lips.

Andrea’s need for more is straightforward: she wants the world’s largest lips.

She thinks she has the “biggest lips in the world,” although she does not yet hold the official world record.

She claims that numerous men from all over the world would constantly message her on social media, offering her money, trips, and meeting invitations.

No one has bigger lips than this 22-year-old, according to a number of her fans who seem to know a lot about the topic.

Trouble eating after the procedures

She describes her lips as “lovely” – and believes that more interventions are waiting.

“Some doctors think I’ve had enough, but my doctor said he will do more injections for me if I wait for at least two months,” she says according to the site.

“I really like my new lips, but eating was challenging right after the injection, and things get harder two or three days later.” But there aren’t any dietary limitations on me,” she stated.

ignores those who criticize their lips

Even though Andrea has a striking appearance, it is her body and, thus, her choice. On the other hand, this young lady gets a lot of nasty mail online. She tries to ignore it most of the time.

“Everyone should look however they want,” I believe.

What are your thoughts? Is Andrea’s decision to pursue her goal the right one? Please share the story and let us know what you think!


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