Unexplained Circles: Sheep March in Hundreds, Silent and Unnerving, Prompting Speculation of Alien Influence Across the Globe ‎

Unexplained Circles: Sheep March in Hundreds, Silent and Unnerving, Prompting Speculation of Alien Influence Across the Globe ‎

Mystery as hundreds of sheep seen silently standing in ‘unnerving’ circle formation

A cyclist was forced to jump off his bike and do a double take after he spotted an unsual livestock formation – which the internet has hilariously dubbed a “ewe-FO”

A cyclist feared he had encountered a flock of sheep under alien mind control when he saw hundreds of them standing in an unnatual circular formation.

At first glance it evokes memories of the mysterious crop circles of the 1990s, which left Brits fearing an alien invasion or that extraterrestrials were trying to communicate with them.

Christopher said: “I was on my daily cycle and came over the hill and saw this magnificent circle.

“I cycled closer and closer and then realised the circle was sheep!”

The Royal Holloway University lecturer was also unnerved by their “weird” behaviour.

Suddenly consumed with a desire to get away from the sheep, he rapidly pedalled home and showed the photos he had taken to his wife Victoria and son Louis who both thought it was ‘nuts’.

He also shared the snaps to Facebook where other users tried to figure out what was happening in the shot.

These are mystical invisible lines of energy that criss-cross the Earth, and are regarded as important points of worship and healing by New Age practitioners and Druids.

The mystery solvers also might have looked in to the ancient standing stones of the area which are seeped in folklore – some of them involving sheep survivng the mysterious deaths of their shepherds.

Footage has emerged of hundreds of sheep eerily walking around in a circle for 12 days straight in northern China’s Inner Mongolia region.

Hundreds of sheep have been eerily walking around in a circle for 12 days straight in northern China’s Inner Mongolia region.

Chinese media said that the sheep are healthy, and the cause of the non-stop circling remains a mystery. Picture: Twitter/PDChina

According to the sheep owner, a few sheep started walking in a circle before others joined in. Picture: Twitter/PDChina

The cause of the erratic behaviour has yet to be determined. Picture: Twitter/PDChina

Some have speculated the sheep’s behaviour could be caused by a bacterial disease called Listeriosis – also known as “circling disease”.


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