Mount Shasta UFO Mystery: Sightings Spark Speculation of Hidden Alien Base Among Conspiracy Theorists ‎

Mount Shasta UFO Mystery: Sightings Spark Speculation of Hidden Alien Base Among Conspiracy Theorists ‎

UFO expert Brian David Wallenstein also believe that Mount Shasta is a hotbed of UFO activities and alien presence.

A series of images snapped from Mount Shasta mountain, California is now the hottest debating point among conspiracy theorists and extraterrestrial enthusiasts.

Date of sighting: April 17, 2019
Location of sighting: Mount Shasta, California, USA

As the claims made by the eyewitness went viral on the internet, self-proclaimed alien researcher Scott C Waring who is based in Taiwan checked the pictures and revealed that these are genuine photographs of an alien spaceship.

“Even 40 years ago, yeah…I’m old. I was told as a kid the stories of beings that lived below Mount Shasta, One of which is supposed to be the legendary Saint Germain who famous for starting the new cultural Age of Aquarius, also called Master Rakoczi.

UFO expert Brian David Wallenstein had also revealed that Mount Shasta is a hotbed of UFO activities.

A few hours back, Jeff Woolvine, a popular UFO hunter based in Arizona had released a series of images and videos that shows a diamond-shaped flying object hovering in the skies. The video was shot in broad daylight, and at times, the UFO can be also seen shifting its shape.

Even though conspiracy theorists considered this sighting at Arizona proof of alien existence, skeptics dismissed these claims and made it clear that it is a plastic cover which was misinterpreted as UFO by these people.


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